Welcome to the Alberta Female Hockey League!

Major League Socks pairs up with Hockey Alberta Foundation

With Christmas around the corner, what better way to surprise your avid hockey fan than with their favourite player – in sock form!

Major Leagues Socks is Pair[ing] up with Hockey Alberta Foundation to support the Every Kid Every Community program.

For every pair of socks sold on www.majorleaguesocks.com/collections/hockey-alberta between November 19 and December 31, Major League Socks with donate $6 per pair back to the Every Kid Every Community Program.

With the impact of COVID-19 and the cancellation of in-person fundraising events, every dollar raised will go a long way to keep kids playing hockey across Alberta.

Shop Now >

Anyone can use the link to purchase, but who doesn’t love a friendly competition? If you’re looking for a fun way to engage your team virtually while supporting a great cause, take a look below for more information!

The Perfect Pair[ing] Team Contest


  • Pitch the idea to your hockey team.
  • Register your team for the Perfect Pair[ing] Contest here
  • Send out the website link www.majorleaguesocks.com/collections/hockey-alberta to your family and friends (for tracking purposes must purchase off this link).
  • Your family and friends forward their purchase confirmation emails to foundation@hockeyalberta.ca with your team name.
  • The number of socks sold in support of your team will be tallied.
  • Contest run November 23 – December 31, 2020.
  • The team with the most socks sold will get a 30 minute zoom call with an Oilers or Flames player, as well as a set of teams socks of their choice.
  • Runner up gets a set of team socks of their choice

But wait, there’s more!

If you or your friends and family show off your Major League socks on Twitter or Instagram and tag @HockeyAlberta @MLSocks in your post (be sure to tag us in the photo, not just in the caption), along with your team, you earn an additional tally to your teams total!

Register Your Team >