Welcome to the Alberta Female Hockey League!

Hockey’s Path Forward – Step 1

Step 1 of the Government of Alberta’s A Path Forward allows specific hockey activity to occur. Children and youth are allowed to participate in limited team sport activities, subject to mandatory restrictions as outlined by the Government of Alberta.

  • All participants must be 18 years old or younger, except coaches/ instructors.
  • Practices are allowed for indoor and outdoor training.
    • Games are not allowed.
  • Physical distancing must be maintained at all times between all groups and all participants (players, coaches/ instructors) in each group at all times:
    • 3-metres physical distance for indoor activities
    • 2-metres physical distance for outdoor activities
  • An indoor ice surface can be split (use physical dividers wherever possible), allowing for two groups of 10 to be active on the ice at the same time. See Children’s Sport and Performance Activities tab.

Full guidelines and requirements can be found in the updated version of Hockey Alberta’s Return to Hockey Plan - Hockey’s Path Forward.