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KidSport’s Oil Country Hockey Assist Program launches for second season

EDMONTON – KidSport’s Oil Country Hockey Assist Program is back!

The Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation and KidSport Alberta have teamed up once again to launch the second season of the KidSport Oil Country Hockey Assist Program.

Players registered in Red Deer area and north are eligible to apply for the program. Approved applicants will have their full registration fees (up to $3,000) covered and have access to no-cost equipment from Sport Central.

Hockey Alberta is proud to be partnering with the KidSport Oil Country Hockey Assist Program to help kids get on the ice this season.

How to Apply >


About Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation
The Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation (EOCF) is a proud supporter of Oil Country and has been contributing to our community’s success since 2001. With a focus on programs aimed at those most vulnerable in our community, especially in Edmonton’s downtown, and youth hockey programming with a goal to increase participation of under-represented groups in our community, the Oilers Foundation is dedicated to building strong, vibrant and safe communities by demonstrating philanthropic leadership and continues its deep legacy of giving back. Thanks to the generosity of our valued hockey fans, Oilers players and alumni, the EOCF Board of Directors, Oilers Entertainment Group (OEG) employees and the Katz Family, the Foundation has contributed over $66 million to charitable organizations and minor hockey programs across Oil Country since 2001.

About KidSport

KidSport’s core business as a charity is subsidizing sport registration fees for kids from low-income families. We believe that playing hockey promotes the development of children’s social, mental, and physical well being. We fundamentally believe that all kids who want to play hockey should be able to regardless of their family’s socioeconomic status. We have 25 KidSport chapters throughout Oil Country that provide the infrastructure to get funds to those families who need it to get their kids playing hockey. In addition, the Provincial KidSport Fund covers those communities where we do not have a chapter and the Indigenous KidSport Fund supports kids in Indigenous communities. A simple one-page application process gets things started. Once approved KidSport sends a cheque to the minor hockey association on the child’s behalf for the registration fee. In our last normal year 2019 our 38 chapters across Alberta assisted 13,677 kids into 40 sport’s by paying $3.2 million in registration fees.